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GM-GMC: distributor, spark plug wires, center bolt

i need to know the firing order of a 1984 chevy 350 and what order the spark plug wires go on the distributor cap?  

The firing order is 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2.

The distributor rotor turns clockwise when viewed from above, so the spark plug wires would be installed in the same order as the firing order, beginning with #1.

To find which contact in side the distributor cap that the rotor is "pointing" to, use a ratchet on the center bolt of the crankshaft and turn the engine over by hand (clockwise direction only as viewed from the front of the engine looking towards the firewall) until the timing mark on the harmonic balancer aligns with the "0" mark on the timing cover (may also be indicated by a deep "V" cut into the timing mark indicator attached to the timing cover).

Normally, the rotor will either be "pointing" towards the firewall with a bit more emphasis towards the driver's side cylinder bank, or it will be pointing towards the front of the passenger side front fender.  If it is pointing towards the fender, turn the engine over again until the timing marks align and the rotor should be pointing towards the firewall as described above.

Find the closest terminal in the distributor cap that matches the rotor's alignment and install the #1 wire.  The distributor cap and then be installed with the remaining wires installed around it clockwise from #1 using the firing order.

Some turning of the distributor may be necessary to get the engine statred.  Once it does start, use a timing light to set the timing.