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GM-GMC: automatic transmission problems, automatic transmission problems, diesel van

I have a Diesel Van, GMC, year, 1987, 8 cyl, 6.2 L., diesel, auto transmission. Vin "J". Some day the transmission tooks more time to change from 1º to 2º velocity. and my mechanic at Peru told me that the switch coded # 23500822 (its sealed on the part)that appears like a vacuum switch fails. And need to replace it. But i can´t found it at peruvian market or web. I need to know the name of this part and where I can found it. please help me because this car is very important for me and my family. thanks

The part IS available.

Its called a valve. The part # is valid. It can be ordered at the following website.


Simply enter the part #. It shows a price of about $70US + shipping.

Logan Diagnostic