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GM-GMC: Starter, 454 chevy motor, volt amp

I have 1986 winnebago w/ 454 chevy motor
My problem is when I go on a long trip the starter
on the motor home well not even turn over until it cools off. I replaced the starter but still has the same problem. Could you help me.

If you have access to a volt/amp meter a good place to start is to hook up the blzck to the (-) bat.terminal and the red to the (+) then when it will not turn over, turn the key to "Crank" and watch the Voltmeter to see what battery Voltage drops to. If it does not drop then your starter is not drawing anything, sugjesting there is an actuation problem(ign switch, selnoid if equiped, or cables, connections. If batt voltage drops low then there is a battery or connection problem, not enough power to turn over the motor. Hope this helps!