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Honda: lights, honda accord ex 1994, honda accord ex, style connection

QUESTION: can you tell me where the ground straps are behind the front  bumper. I have removed the bumper several times but can not find. Working on ground issues. Rear lights not working when cold.Above 45 degrees,works all the time.Some times rocking the car the lights come on.

Honda: lights, honda accord ex 1994, honda accord ex, style connection
ANSWER: This is the style connections you are looking for. Remove the bolt that holds down the strap. Sand the paint off the area under any ground strap.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The picture you sent me does not match the Honda accord ex 1994.I coped the picture stood in front of the car an still can not find the ground. Do i have more than one ground an where are hay.  THANKS Randy p.s. I am not a mechanic sorry. Just a dumb welder.

As I stated previously, that is the style connection you are looking for. I can't give you the exact location due to the fact that the front end has been wrecked and repaired. Do you have any type of repair manual that will help you follow the car's wiring harness?