Honda: Malfunction indicatot light became on(Honda Civic 2005), honda civic 2005, malfunction indicator light
QuestionQUESTION: I purchase a Honda civic 2005 having mileage 110000km.Last weak I got engine oil changed and also got radio on by entering radio code by local dealer which was not working due to disconnection of battery by me.After some time when I was coming back my home the malfunction indicator light became on.I got scanned by the mechanic.At that time the problem was solved and indicator light went off.However after two days it became on again.Please suggest answer to fix it .
ANSWER: I'll need to start with the code that was stored. Your mechanic obviously cleared the code, but fixed nothing. Tell me what code was stored and I'll try to help.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: He entered radio code 13434& stereo code U2728L2352
my care VIN # is 2HGES16335H010937
Answer I need the code that was stored in your car's PCM. You wanted help with your malfunction indicator lamp, right? I don't need the radio serial number or the radio's anti-theft code. Your mechanic cleared the code that was stored in the car's PCM (computer), I need that code.