Honda: Struts crv 2003, bolt and nut, crv May 09 I replace all the struts on my CRV 2003..
it was making no noise but they told me they were leaking...
two of them...
so I said..ok replace them all..
they used Honda its noisy as heck..
it sounds like a squeakie spring on the back right side...
they place I have gone to for years...which I think will end...just tells me well...struts can be make noise...>??
I am thinking if they were quiet before they should be now to..
what are your thoughts as to what it could be..
I live in Tempe AZ
Answer If the noise started after the strut replacement this could simply be how things were torqued. I'd recommend loosening all of the mounting bolts about one half turn. Then re-torque each bolt and nut while the weight of the car is on the wheels. Sometimes bushings will bind if the bolts are tightened while the car is on the lift.