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Honda: Front lower control arm bushings, control arm bushings, wheel alignment


I have a 2001 Honda Civic and took my car in for a checkup to the dealer recently. They said I needed suspension work, "Front lower control arm bushings" and quoted me a price of $460. My question is, how long can I put this off for (will it be hazardous or break down) and is $460 a reasonable price or can I do better? Thanks.

ANSWER:  The lower control arm compliance bushings have a fairly high failure rate on the 2001-2005 Civic. If they are cracking, the repair can wait a while. If they have cracked all the way through, I would have the repair performed. The worn bushing will cause uneven tire wear. They can cause knocking or creaking sounds. They can also cause a type of "pull" when the brakes are applied. I perform this repair at my independent repair shop for $385 including a 4 wheel alignment. $460 at the dealership sounds pretty fair.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, I took the 01 Civic to the dealer today and had them check the Front lower control arm bushings and they said it was "split". I plan to keep this car for around another year (has around 106K miles). Do you think it would be worth doing this repair? I am not hearing any knocking or creaking sounds *yet* nor do I feel any pull *yet* when I apply the brakes.  Thanks!

ANSWER:  It sounds like you're not comfortable with their diagnosis. All I can say is that this is a common failure. While the car is on a rack, in the air, the front suspension will be at a completely different angle. Different technicians may describe the bushings as "cracking" or "splitting". If you can send me a picture of the bushings The only way I'll be much more help is if I see the bushing. Can you send me a picture?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, I dont know how I could send you a picture.  I barely know how to check the oil on my car. :)  A mechanic I am not. If it is split, would you think it would be worth replacing if it is driving fine and I plan to keep it for just about another year?
Thanks again.

If you can have the technician show you the failed part, I replace them. If your technician can't show you the failed part, I wouldn't replace them. If you can't take a digital picture or one with a cell phone, I have to base my opinion on the information you have supplied me with.