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Honda: engine knocking 97 honda odyssey, inner c/v joint vibration, Honda

when i accelerate in my 97 honda odyssey, i sometimes get a knocking noise that i can feel under my feet, but sometimes i can feel it all the way up in the steering wheel.  it seems the worst at highway speeds, especially when going up hill.  when i coast, it goes away.  its only when im pushing on the gas peddle.

i have never changed the timing belt.  bent rod?

its inconsistent, but sometimes it gets pretty bad.  the bearings are good, the axle looks good, and the motor mounts are good.

its a pretty hard knocking when it gets going.

i bought the car used with 125,000 miles, and it has 150 on it now.  

 Several things are common on the Odyssey models that have the 4 cylinder engine. I'll describe each condition.

They are bad about cracking the a pipe bracket. This bracket connects the piece of exhaust pipe that is just after the exhaust manifold to the back of the engine block. If this piece is broken it will buzz, rattle, or knock.

The a/c compressors on these vans can give a knocking sound if they are starting to fail.

The engines can have a knocking sound that resonates through the exhaust and chassis. If it has this knocking noise it's will be most noticeable around 2000 to 2500 rpms.

I feel like you are describing a VIBRATION more than a knock. If the inner c/v joints have wear they will cause a vibration when under a load especially under hard acceleration. The play in the inner c/v joint is transmitted through the steering and drive line. Some customers describe this sensation as feeling like driving a manual transmission car in too high of a gear.

I hope this helps!