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Honda: 92 honda accord, vapor lock, honda accord

I have a 1992 honda accord with approximately 263,000 miles on it, and the 3 years that I have had it, it likes to "vapor lock" on me occasionally and not want to start until I spray starting fluid to make it start.  Usually it does this when it starts to get warm out (we live in Ohio) and usually does it a few times a year, but lately it has been doing it weekly.  It always starts with starting fluid, and other times it will start up like it is supposed to without using the fluid.  What could be causing this?

Hi Mollie,

There is a very good chance, with your year Honda and due to its age, that it can be your main relay. This is assuming that the car has had its routine maintenance such as spark plugs, distributor cap, rotor,  and spark plug cables. This problem is very common with your model year.