Honda: misfire, fuel delivery system, honda vfr
Questioni have a Honda vfr 750fg it is hard to start when cold then when it warms up it misfires from 3000 revs upover what could cause this fault
AnswerHi Steven,
My specialty is Honda Vehicles, not motorcycles, however, same principles.
Misfires can be attributed to several things but I would first inspect the spark plugs, spark plug cables especially if they have not been replaced in their appropriate maintenance period. Bad/old/cracked wires can cause the spark to jump from one wire to the other. Don't know if your motorcyle has a distributor cap or if it is an electronic type but you may want to inspect/replace that as well.
I don't know what you mean by "hard to start", wether it means it won't turn over or wether it just won't "catch" (it's turning over but won't start).
Systematically approaching the problem, look at the mechanical, electrical, and fuel delivery system.