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Honda: back doors on 1998 honda civic lx,wont open fron inside or outside, honda civic lx, 1998 honda civic lx

My back doors will not open. They act as though they are locked. Initially neither would open from the outside but one would open from the inside... until we clicked the child safety mechanism that prevents the door from opening on the inside as well. Now we can't get them open.

So, is there a simple solution to this OR is there an easy way to get the door panel off so we don't have to pay someone $85/hr to try and maybe get it off.

Thanks. :-)

Wow, this is first for me.

I am not sure wether it is a power door lock model, if so, try playing with the locking mechanism by repeatedly locking/unlocking the power locks then have someone open from the inside and outside, it may have just gotten stuck.

This is not a simple problem to resolve because you cannot remove the panels unless the doors are open. Personally, I would have it Slim-Jimmed and unlocked that way then inspect the inside panel to see if there is a bad actuator or the rod that connects to the actuator has broken off.

Sadly, because of the nature of the problem, there is no easy or cheap solution to your problem.