Honda: 02 Accord SE Idling problem, throttle body, rpm
QuestionGood day:
I own a 2002 accord se the has been having this problem for a year lucky for me i still have a warranty but would love a better understanding of my car. when the weather is warm 70 degrees or above (keep in mind i drive my car hard) when I'm driving it the idle will go from about 750 rpm to 100 or 250 rpm and vibrate. if i leave the car alone it will idle low for 20 to 30 seconds and then kick back up to normal but if i feather the throttle it will go up and drop like a rock and stall. It was sporadic but lately it is happening more regular and some thing new if i hit the brakes hard it will drop in the the ground and stall. if i brake easier it doesn't happen as much. any thoughts? thanks for you help
Answerits called idle air control [iac] its a valve in the throttle body that like its name suggests,controls idle air.when carbon builds up it the valve it kinda gets confused and slow.this is not a vary good explanation but anyway its easy to fix and vary a can of throttle body cleaner and follow the directions, you may need to do it a few times.