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Honda: Honda Accord EX 93 Flashing D4, honda accord ex, honda accord

Hi there.  I have a Honda Accord EX 93', roughly 138,000 miles.  About every 2 weeks, I have a problem starting the car.  I turn the ignition key and the D4 light starts flashing, and the engine, oil, brake, and ABS lights all go on, too.  Usually, if I leave the car alone for a while, it will turn on later.  However, today it wouldn't turn on at all, and after numerous attempts to start it (it just revs), the battery went dead and I needed a boost.  I did some research, and some people seem to indicate it might be a bad TCM.  Also, I might add that the car doesn't speed up particularly well (though I've been told it just doesn't have a strong engine).  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  I tried taking it to a shop, but if the car isn't exhibiting the problem at the time, they tell me they can't do anything.  Thanks,

the engine ,oil and abs lights are on normally until startup.the problem with the car not starting is most likely the pgmfi relay, it controls the fuel pump and they commonly go out. you can buy a new one or find articles on the internet on repairing the one you have now.the problem with the trans could be a bad computer or a bad trans but without actually checking out the car i could not say.honestly honda automatics suck otherwise they are great cars but i stick to the five speeds.