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Honda: 92 civic altenator, ase certs, cv shafts

QUESTION: How do I remove my altenator I got it out but it just won't fall out please tell me what steps I need to take to remove it

ANSWER: pull the drivers side axle ,remove the wheel ,lower ball joint,shock bolt ,and axle nut.its not as hard as it sounds.your alternator may just need new brushes ,  you can replace them without removing it.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: These steps sound useful but I'm still quite confused is there another way u can tell me the same steps but in a step 1 step 2 type format please help me and I will be more then happy to rate your answer the best rating possible

i don't care what my rating is i have a job and this is not it.however i do like to help people with obscure problems that are not easily solved by novice mechanics.the first step to repairing your own car is to buy a manual, if you can't figure it out from there then ask questions.i answer about 5 to 10 or these a day so i'm sure you can imagine how long it would take to explain step by step how to do thing like replacing alternators or cv shafts.i have a degree and four ase certs and i still get a manual out when i do repairs.