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Honda: 86 prelude idle to high, coolant temp, honda prelude

i just got a 86 honda prelude 2.0 si auto mi 159,000 well i get a code 6 on the ecu and in park or neutral the idle is high to pass emissions about 1200 to 1300 and i would like it to be 700 to 900 and also the fans kick in alot and it seems to be running hot but the temp gauge reads normal what do you think? thanks, dana

Code 6 is for coolant temp,don't take this as gospel but codes don't usually appear because of a car running too hot.Most cars have a backup plan incase a sensor goes out,in this case a coolant temp could cause the fans to run all the time and since the car does not have a temp sensor for all it knows it could still be cold  and cold cars idle high to warm up more quikly.So get a new coolant temp sensor.