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Honda: my 1989 honda accord, fuel mixture, honda accord

QUESTION: I have a sputtering and stalling problem. I checked the vaccume lines and changed the fuel filters. i also poured sea foam in my gas tank thinking it was debris in by carb. then i took the caytalak converter off and busted out the honeycomb screen in it and still have the problem. what could it possibly be?
ANSWER: Are you sure your car is carburated?If it is thats your main problem.You may still have trash in the carb,or you may just need a tune up .Its realy hard to diagnose problems like that without seeing the car,maybe you could send more specifics     cold or hot light throttle or full   things like that.

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QUESTION: Yes im sure its carbuerated. I just replaced another vaccume line in it and was started to run fine for a while and then started stalling again. I know it sucks working on the carb. i dont really know the specifics on it but i will take it in for a tune up and get back to you. one more question. do you think it has anything to do with the float or fuel pump. it runs fine when the car is cold but when the idle kicks down is when it starts again.

Sound like you do have junk in the carb, when the choke is on the fuel mixture is richer(more fuel) and the fuel is being drawn in with more force .After the choke opens less vacuum is being applied to the fuel passages.This is probly not the best way to explain it but long story short,its most likely the carb