Honda: 1983 Honda Accord LX 5 Speed, manual transmissions, honda accord
QuestionThis is really stupid, but I can't find the dipstick to the transmission. I know it needs fluid, but I don't know where to put it.
manual transmissions should not have a dipstick of any kind. You'll have to get under the car and remove the topmost bolt (also known as the fill bolt) on the tranny housing. This bolt will be on the side/wall of the housing. This helps because if you're filling it up, when the fluid runs out of the hole, it's full.
Put your finger in there and feel for fluid. If there's some, then you're all set. If not, then fill her up.
If it's been longer than 25,000 miles since the fluid's been changed, I'd go ahead and change it now. Definitely worth it if you ask me.
Manual transmissions are a closed system, meaning that they do not have a filter, and they do not typically "burn" oil.