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Honda: VTEC models, good luck man, american honda

Do you know if an accord EX with a VTEC (V6)is considered a different 'model' according to Honda than a regular accord EX?  I suspect that a dealer has misrepresented a car that he sold to me.  2 weeks after buying it, one of the heads cracked, leaking coolant into the spark plug chamber of cylinder 5.  Is this something that reasonable mechanic may have been able to see coming?
Thank you for any help you can give me,

The V6 is a different trim of the Accord model...so no, it is probably not considered a different model(but you should contact American Honda about that).  Their toll-free number is (800) 999-1009.  If it's been less than 30 days, then you should have some recourse by bringing the car back.  I think for all used cars there is a buffer zone so stuff like this doesn't happen.

Good luck man,
Sorry for the wait,