Honda: Honda 2000, AT, 4-cyl, accord starter, highway traffic safety, traffic safety administration
QuestionMy car has only 20K miles and just past 3years. Recently on a cold morning after very cold night before , the engine did not crank up although there was a click. AAA guy said the starter needs checking after being able to start the car while tapping the starter. His jump start did not help. The dealer also wanted to replace the stater. Later in the afternoon after the weather had warmed up, I was able to start immediately. Battery seems charged later in the afternoon. Do I really need a new starter? Why could the starter be showing signs of trouble with such a low milage?
It is not uncommon for a vehicle to have faulty parts that may fail very early in their life. Your warranty expired, is this correct?
Hopefully this can help you in your journey...The 2000 Honda Accord was issued a Technical Service Bulletin.
Service Bulletin Num : 010901 Date of Bulletin: SEP 01, 2001
NHTSA Item Number: 626794
Visit for more information
NHTSA = National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Good Luck,