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Honda: Idle, arm assembly, 1989 honda accord

I have a 1989 Honda Accord LXi, I replaced the head, camshaft, rocker arm assembly, and all of the gaskets.  Now that I have it replaced the car will start fine but it idles at about 1,000 RPM then revs to 3,000 RPM and back down to 1,000 and keeps repeating the process.  If i put it in gear it seems  fine but as soon as i put it in park or neutral it starts the process again. Please Help.

First off, you should try to reset the car's computer.  Pull the fuse labeled "back-up", or "ECM".  Replace it after about 15 sec. This is always the first thing I do, just in case.  Then, get a Helm manual, or something like it (Hayne's, Chilton's)...Find your IAC valve (idle air control).  This part allows your engine to idle high during cold weather starts.  The manual will walk you through the simple trouble-shooting steps.  If the valve is determined to be faulty, they are not very expensive to replace.  Otherwise I would see about going to the dealer.

Sorry for the wait Derek,