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Honda: 96 honda civic, air control valve, troubleshooting methods

I just bought a 96 honda civic lx.  it only has 88,000 miles.  When its running, in park, the tachometer jumps from 0-2000 rpms, when stopped at a light it will jump from 0-4000 if in drive.  When I take my foot off the brake, it will accelerate by about 15 mph with out having to even touch the gas, it then slows and accelerates by itself.  I this normal?  If not, what is causing this?

You should first check the Idle Air Control Valve.  The IAC valve is what controls the engine idle speed.  There are specific troubleshooting methods which involve unplugging the harness attatched to the IAC valve and looking for engine idle differences.  If you are serious about fixing this yourself, please purchase a Helms service manual.  It is written by Honda and published by Helm, for Honda mechanics to refer to.  I believe IAC valves are pretty inexpensive.  
Hopefully that's what it is.