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Honda: 02 Acura RSX Type-S, acura rsx type s, cold air intake

This may be outside the realm of your expertise, but I thought I would ask...
On my RSX, the "Maintenance Required" light came on about 10K miles ago. I bought the car with 19K and it now has 39K. From what I understand the light comes on every 10K miles automatically for routine maintenance. I was raised to work on my car and avoid expensive dealer maintenance. The dealer said they would change my oil, check my transmission oil, replace my air filter and check my brakes for $250 (expensive!) I have done all of the above regularly except changing the transmission oil.
I was wondering how often I should change the MT oil and if there is any other routine maintenance (other than topping off brake/clutch fluids and antifreeze) that the dealer would handle during these check ups.

Also, as far performance I have added a cold air intake. What is the next step I should take to increase the performance of my engine/car (on a budget). With so many after market parts for my car I don't know where to begin...


The dealer will do no more than what they say, and sometimes will not do everything they say they will.

I would definitely change my MT fluid if it hasn't been done.  If you're a performance oriented driver, it's best to shorten the time between transmission fluid changes as well as with the DIFFERENTIAL.  Change these now.  Use the condition of the fluid as a guide as to when the next time should be.
Refer to the owner's manual for fluid capacities and specifications.  If you're topping off brake and clutch fluids, make sure you don't use fluid from a previously opened container.  Water WILL get into the fluid in the form of moisture and ruin your system.  Always open a new container of brake fluid when adding.
Most likely time to change air filter(or clean yours).

Get some silicon grease and grease the rubber seals for all doors and the sunroof.
As far as power, it really all depends on preference.  Please visit www.clubrsx.com This will be your most valuable resource when it comes to modifications.

1.  The top of my list would be a performance driving school, or at least some track time in YOUR car.  By far the most valuable.
2.  Intake
3.  Headers
4.  Exhaust
5.  ECU (Engine control/Computer chip)
6.  Nitrous Oxide
7.  Forced Induction

Happy Trails,