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Honda: Honda Malfunction Indicator light, malfunction indicator light, emissions control

Hi Ray-

The malfunction indicator light came on today in my 2000 Honda Civic DX.  It's got around 43,000 miles on it.  I am confused by the manual's description, basically that it could be anything from the gas cap to the emissions control system.  I did fill my car up recently, and I also took my car into Jiffy Lube to make sure all of my fluids were topped off, tire pressure was ok, etc.  I did that because I am making a long trip from Kansas City to Washington DC and I want to make sure my car is in top condition.  

I am confused as to what the problem could be. My gas cap was not loose or off when I checked it.  I wanted to ask if you thought it would be best to take it in to the dealership if the light doesn't go off in 3 trips.  Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks so much.

Lauren Krostue  

   Hi Lauren,sorry to have to advise you to spend some of your vacation money at the dealer but that would be the safest thing for you to do.If the engine and trans are still working normally theres a good chance that you would make the whole trip without any problem....but have it checked out just to be safe and then make your decision.  Ray