Honda: 96 Civic shut off, distributer cap, engine cranks
QuestionMy car has 230,000 miles on it and I have had the timing belt changed every 90,000 miles. How can I check to see if it is broke? Would the engine make any sounds when the belt breaks?
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Last night my 96 Civic LX shut off when I gave it some gas to pass a vehicle. The car acted like I just shut off the ignition. The lights stayed on,but the car would not run. The car will not start. Any ideas?
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Well Troy, I(actually you)hope you didnt break your timming belt.If it spins over like it doesnt have any spark plugs in it(faster than usual)then thats what most likely happened,but first you should check the basics:does it have spark and fuel and crank over a minimum of 300 r.p.m. If the engine cranks over good and you have fuel but no spark remove the distributer cap and watch the rotor while the engine is being cranked over by your handy assistant,does it spin also? If not then your t-belt has several teeth missing and the cam isnt rotating and it would be a miracle if you dont have any bent valves.let me know what you do or dont have and we can go from there....Ray
Answer Troy,read my answer again,and add this to it:Remove the oil fill cap and have someone crank the engine over while you look at the rocker arms with a flash light,if they dont go up and down the your belt is broke and no,the only sound you would hear is silence. Ray