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Honda: Hatchback water leak, honda civic hatchback, hatchback area

Hi Dean- I have a 1998 Honda Civic hatchback that has developed a water leak inside the car above the spare tire area. A small stream of water flows in under the plastic  side housing below the speakers , when it rains and rests in the wheel well and on the nut depressions above.
 I have checked the entire water flow  exterior trim areas {trim and under and down  the hatchback window} and have found no holes or open areas and everything looks caulked The side rear non-movable windows look fine.
 I don't know what to do. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks George  

it is probably the rubbers around the hatchback area that seal off the metal you will need to replace these to stop rust or any moisture getting in and causing damage and corrosion and you don't want that so get some rubber from the nearest part store for a small amount of cash and the problem will be fixed