Honda: CAI - Is it worth it?, cold air intake, hp increase
QuestionI was looking around and deciding whether or not it's worth it to install a CAI. I have a 2k1 ex civic coupe and see a lot of people adding this mod to the car. Is it really beneficial to add this mod and also, is there a big difference between the brand names like AEM and the generic brands you can purchase from ebay for around $75?
AnswerA cold air intake will give you from 5-10 HP increase in the upper RPM ranges. Expect gains from 3500 RPM's and up. If you do put on a CAI make sure to put on a bypass valve from AEM or else you run the risk of getting water in the engie, which could make it hydrolock. And yes there is a big difference from AEM to the generic ones. AEM dyno tunes every intake to get the most out of it. By Far, AEM makes the best intake for Honda's. There is no compromise for Horse Power. More $ = More HP unfortunately.