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Hyundai: motor oil, hyundai accent, al brown

I live in Indianapolis. In the average year in Indianapolis the temperature ranges from 0° to 98°. I recently purchased a 2004 Hyundai Accent. Can you tell me whether it is better to put in 5W30 oil or 10W30 oil all year around. My Owner's Manual gives me too many options to be useful. Thank you. Al Brown

Hello Al, well depending on the season is the type of motor oil you want to use.  For example in Winter and the other colder seasons you will use the thinner motor oil like 5W30 or thinner.  But in the summer you will use the thicker oil like 10W30.  The reason is because in winter when it is cold, your oil needs to be thinner to run throughout your engine.  And in summer when it's hot, your oil needs to be thicker to stick better to your engine parts.  Let me know if you need anything else.  Immanuel