Mazda: torn drive shaft boots both side, drive shaft boots, cv shafts
Questionthe drive shaft boots are torn and i am wondering what the result is if i don't replace the shafts right away. i was informed that it is standard to replace the shaft and not the boot covering. if i continue to drive on them for some time is there any other potential problems?
AnswerNot my area of expertise, however you can drive on CV shafts that have torn boots. What will happen though is dirt and water will get inside and axle grease will fling out making a god awful mess. Eventually the joint will knock, rattle (especially during hard turning and acceleration) and progressively get worse until it fails. The most common course of repair is to replace the axle (both CV's, 2 CV's per side) as an assembly. The old assemblies are considered cores for rebuilding, if you damage them beyond use they may not be accepted as such and thus you may have to pay the core value on top of the cost of replacement shaft.
CV and axle work averages $375 per side. You have one axle left and one right.