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Mazda: 94 Protoge will start but not run, haynes manual, protoge

My 94 Protoge is quite the bionic car. Long story short - my car just stopped
running and now will crank but not run. First symptoms lead me to change
the spark plugs, cables, coil-to-spark cable, rotor, distributer. That didn't fix
it so we changed the fuel pump and now we know we have good fuel
pressure. We tested the coil and know we have factory resistance but when we
ground out the spark cable, there is no spark. The Haynes manual says it
could be the igniter and I changed it and still not running. I'm now broke and car-less, any tips?

Not my area of expertise.

Check for ignition on each cylinder.  If you have ignition on two of four and the other two are dead your crank position sensor has failed.  It fires in two phases usually 1 and 4 then 2 and 3.  Just some thoughts, a Miata and a Protege are kin to each other.