Mazda: 2005 Mazda 6 won`t start..., quarter tank, 2005 mazda 6
QuestionWell...the other day I was driving with my car on E it was an emergency so I had to do it, I did make it home. When I got up in the morning to start my car it would not start, I thought I just needed some gas so I went to the gas station and got about $10 of gas in a tank, brought it back and put it in the car. The car now has about a quarter tank of gas but still won't start...a couple people told me I might have blown the fuel question is does anyone know where or if the Mazda 6 has a fuel injection reset switch, my brother says there should be one in the trunk somewhere, unfortunately he is in Florida & I'm in NJ..I tried to look in the manual but did not see anything as far as a reset button or switch..If anyone has any info please help..also my car is not under warranty so I cannot take it to the dealership so Im trying to find an easy remedy for this, if one exists...thanks in advance!!
AnswerThere is no reset switch. If you ran the pump dry it could have damaged it internally. The only way to rule out the pump is to check the fuel flow and a mechanic will need to do that.
It may have enough air in the system that the pump cannot get a syphon going. So first thing leave it sit for awhile so the fuel pick up screen can absorb the fuel. Then next time you try to start it cycle the key switch from off to run several times without cranking it this will cause the pump to cycle and possibly draw up the fuel. Lastly when you do crank the motor hold the accelerator to the floor, the car should not start since with the pedal all the way down it will shut off the fuel injectors but doing this will allow the pump to run up and hopefully make fuel pressure. Once you release the pedal it should then start. If not a flow test will have to be performed to determine if a new pump is in order.