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Mazda: Mazda RX7 starting problems, throttle linkage, patience of a saint

QUESTION: I have a 1983 RX7. It has been sitting for the past 17 years in a barn in TN.  It has 65000 miles and 1 inch of rust in gas tank.  I replaced tank with used tank (no rust) and fuel filter and fuel pump.  It will start, but i have to really work the gas pedal to try and rev motor.  It then dies, but usually starts right back.  Idle is usually ok, it is when i try to press gas pedal that problem begins.  Any thoughts?

ANSWER: Accelerator pump in the carburetor.  If you haven't already the carburetor will need to be rebuilt or at least disassembled to a point and cleaned.  Also a little Marvel Mystery oil in the gas and in the oil works magic with rotary engines that have been set up, treat it like you just built it and your breaking it in for the first time and it may just come back to life.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Will cleaning take care of the accelerator pump or is this a replaceable part?  Where is the pump located? What does it look like? I was told that it had a new Carb on it already.  I also read about possible vaccuum problems.  Could this be part of the problem too?

It's been a long time since I worked on one.  If I recall the accelerator pump is a small rectangular design on the front to the carburetor near the throttle linkage.  The internal diaphragm should come with a kit.  These were also electronically controlled carburetors so rebuilding one takes the patience of a saint and some skills.  A faulty accelerator pump would cause an off idle lag.  Once the throttle plates open a short burst of fuel is required before the main jets flow fuel.  Intake vacuum at idle should be steady and between 12-17in./hg.