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Mazda: Oxidation?, mazda mx 3, polishing compound

I've had a 1992 Mazda MX-3 for 3 years since January. I love him, he's a great car and we get along great, although he has a few matinence problems now and then. My question is regarding the paint on the front hood and a few other small spots on the top near the doors, but mainly the hood. For a while now there has been this deterioration(maybe?), or discoloration, of the paint with big splotchy areas all over the hood, no where else really. The paint is blue and its like white splotches with some blue showing through, very hard to explain.But I dont think I've ever really seen primer through the spots. I dont have money to get anything re-painted or professionally fixed (college), I just wanted to know whats wrong with my baby!
Thank you,

Hi Rebecca and thanks for the question.  Get a GOOD brand of paste wax that contains a cleaner and use acccording to directions.  Unless oxidation has gone too far this should take care of it.  You also might find someone who details cars and have them buff the bad spots with a polishing compound and then wax well  Best of luck.   Bud