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Mazda: Mazda B2200 (1989), 1989 mazda b2200, older cars

JB, I realize you are an expert on the Miata (and I wish a Miata fit into my budget and life style), however I have a question regarding a 1989 Mazda B2200 pickup and thought you may have some answers or resources.  The truck I am contemplating purchasing has some knocking due to the Hydraulic-Lash Adjusters and I'm curious how large a problem this may be down the road?  Otherwise it runs like a charm.


Hi Matt-
tapping or knocking from the HLAs is common in the earlier Miatas as well.  While mainly an annoyance, if extreme it can cause cam and HLA wear.  Mazda fixed the problem on later Miatas and sells an improved model for the older cars that flows more.  Some people have had sucess with higher and lower vicosity oils, and with better oil filters that have a good check valve in them that prevents the oil system from draining with the engine off.

go to this link at use "HLA Noise" in the search function and there is tons of discussion on the topic as well.


good luck!