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Mazda: Protege Transmission, mx5 mazda, talk21 com

We bought our 1992 Mazda Protege about a year and a half ago.  Last August (2000) we had a new (or rebuilt) transmission put in it and the transmission is under a year full warranty - we paid $2500.00 for it!  Now, the transmission is acting the same way it was before it went out last year (very hard shifts from 1st to 2nd).  We took it in to the place we bought it from and installed it, and they said that the transmission is no longer under the warranty because the transmission fluid pan is dented, like somebody ran over something, and that is what ruined the transmission.  My husband jacked the car up and looked at the transmission pan, and he says that the dent is not even an inch deep or wide.  My question is:
Can such a small dent cause enough damage to a transmission that it ruins it?  We have only been driving the car for about 8 months (normal amount of driving - no trips or anything), and HAVE NOT ran over anything that would dent the pan. Thanks.  (Sorry so long-winded)

Dear Ruth,
Thank you for your question.
THe price seems very expensive for something with just one year's warranty. In the UK all Mazda parts have two years/36,000 mile warranty.
I would be asking "In what way exactly has this dent affected the problem?!" - you deserve an explanation at least!
If the transmission has had a knock and distorted the pan or disturbed a seal, it may have lost oil, this could then cause a total loss.
If this is a case of driving over something then in the UK this would be "Accidental damage" and therefore be covered by your motor insurance, just as if you had crashed the car.
Try your broker.
[email protected]