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Mercedes: power window not working, aluminum strip, mercedes benz

QUESTION: my 1996 mercedes benz power winddow is not working. lucky for me it is in the up position. i must admit i got a little warning.it  started going down when i was trying to put it up and finally stayed in the up position. please help.(e320)

ANSWER: rodney,
Is this all the power windows or only one window.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: just one window(the right front window)

Electrical problems are usually associated with bad connections, broken wires, or defective switches or blow fuses because of high resistance. A less than optimum battery, can cause these joints to heat up and stop working.
I would first check to determine which fuse controls the windows. It may be a split system, so make sure you have good fuses in the proper sockets. Clean the sockets and the fuse tips, the aluminum strip fuses are especially prone to corrosion.
If the window switch gets lots of action it my have worn contacts.
The master switch that controls the rear windows if on the console my have something that has been dripped into it.
I know that on my 1986 SEL, the Drive door switch has a problem with moving the seat into the proper settings.
In many cases bad grounds are at fault.
Hope this helps.