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Mercedes: Front seat faults, hood latch, memory seats

QUESTION: Hi, I have an 2005 ML350 and both front electric seats have stopped working. The heated seats are working ok but they just dont move. Both stopped working at the same time. I have checked the fuses and relays are all are working fine. Any ideas what the problem could be or is there a common fault I could check?? Many Thanks

Are these memory seats. Where you have a his and hers setting?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi rob, they are memory seats. thanks lee

This is a long shot. Sometime the computer gets confused. Turn off all accessories and the radio. Release the hood latch. Exit and lock the doors, remove the key after all the locks have cycled.
Raise the hood. Disconnect the (-) then (+) battery terminals. Clean the terminals and battery post. Wait 20 minutes reattach the (+) then (-) battery terminals.

close and latch the hood.
Unlock the doors with the key and wait until the locks cycle open before removing the key.

Enter and start the vehicle. Now try the seats.  If you get motion, you will need to reprogram the positions.

If you still have no motion. Then I expect that your Memory module is bad, or you may have a loose or broken wire going into the driver door or a bad control switch.

Hope this helps. Let me know what you determine.
Good Luck