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Mercedes: 1985 300sd abs problem, honda prelude, mercedes 300sd

hey there, i have a 1985 mercedes 300SD, and for about 4 months now my antilock brake light has been on when i go over 40km, and the last month my brakes have been VERY sesitive, for example when i'm about to come to a complete stop i can feel that ABS feeling in my brake.. and kinda makes a *moaning* noice. i think the ABS is going, so my question is, is this a big problem? or can i just unplugg my ABS somehow? i have a honda prelude and i can just unplugg the ABS. Please help. Thank you.

I cannot recommend disconnecting any of the safety features. The sound you describe sound like the break pads and or shoes need to be check for ware. The ABS sits on top of the brake system as an assist. I suspect that you are getting the grabbing because the pad media is about or has gone or you have contamination on the pads, i.e. grease or brake fluid etc from a leaking seal. The groaning noise is a symptom of this issue.
The ABS is a pulsater to keep the pads from locking the disk.
I would pull the wheels and check the pad thickness and or contamination.
Good Luck