Mercedes: Convertible lid operating problem, mercedes shop, leak air
QuestionSLK 230 - Model 2000.Hardtop Convertible.I faced the leakage problem in the hydraulic lock of the lid, After the repair through an expert who asked me to change the central lock for the lid (which open and closes the lock of lid). Now i am regularly facing problem in open/close operation.Also, i feel more noise while driving as if it is not locked and it is not airtight.My lid makes strange sounds while driving and i strongly feel that the locks doesn't close when i close the lip. i checked it in BOSCH servicing as well and they said that there was an alllighnment and electrical problem which was rectified. Still i am not convinced as it is noisy and the hydraulic would stop sometimes in the mid of opening or closing so i have to release the switch and press it again to make it work.
Kindly advice...
If the hydraulic lock has air in it the it could allow the top to not have enough force to keep it closed. when ever the geometry of the top mechanism changes then there are possibly other joints that need to be adjusted. The top should have on rattle or wind noise across the front or around the glass.
If the glass is not properly seated against the top frame, it will also leak air or water. The window have separate adjustment to control the slant angle into the gasket.
I would expect that a Mercedes shop should be able to correct these issues. If the top is sealing properly, it can be tested by using water spray. Just need to be sure that you do allow any water to get into the interior.
Good Luck