Mercedes: 1984 190e E.H.A. Valve, air filter assembly, fuel management system
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 1987 190e with a rebuilt engine from a 1984 190e and the E.H.A. Valve has begun to leak,are there any rebuild kits available that are worth trying to use or are my only options a new or used part?
ANSWER: Joseph,
E.H.A. valve?
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QUESTION: Yes,it's a little black plastic part that sits on top of the intake manifold underneath the air filter assembly. It is actually called an Electro Hydraulic Actuator and is connected with the fuel management system.
If it is mounted by using bolts with a gasket, and is leaking at the gasket. You may be able to remove the unit and create a new gasket using a tube type gasket sealer. If it is heat distorted or cracked I expect that a used or new unit would be in order.
Good Luck