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Mercedes: Who do I contact?, pause control, law suits

Greetings from South Africa.

May I get the contact details of whom to approach regarding my new idea?  It is reduced to sketch/drawing.

From this I do believe Mercedes would be able to make a quaility decision to persue my idea or not.



Hello Neville,
If you idea is patentable, I would suspect that Mercedes would not allow you to submit it unsolicited.
Corporations are very concerned about law suits in relation to items they are developing for the  market. They  may have your idea or something similar already in the works or have a patentpending on a similar idea. One just needs to see the movie about pause control windshield wipers to know what can happen when one does not have control of the idea.
And as you know a patent does not stop someone from executing it but just allows you to challenge in court your ownership of the idea.
I would be willing to review your idea, but not before signing a non disclosure and non compete document of your design. My brother is a retired mechanical engineer had has several patents to his credit through the Millikan company.
We are presently working on an idea related to nitrogen protection for vehicles.
Let know and good luck.