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Mercedes: Merc C220cdi, sulfur odor, fuel mixture

Hi Robert,
I have  a 2004 Mercedes C220cdi manual car. Today I was driving and when I went into 5th gear the car did not rev past 2500. The highest speed that the car would go was 104kph . Could you please help me?
Best Regards,

Hello Therese,
Have you noticed any sulfur odor from the exhaust or any smoking... your fuel/water separtor filter may need attentions.
Anything that restricts the inbound air or fuel mixture can cause poor performance.

Otherwise there may be an issue with the injector timing advance, or dirty fuel injectors.
I would service the fuel filter/water separtor first. Then I would get some bio-diesel and run that through the tank. It has excellent cleaning properties for the system. Be prepared to replace the fuel filter a second time,because the cleaner will strip out lots of wall deposits in the system.
Good Luck