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Mercedes: heater blower motor, climate control system, 450 sel

Hello,i have a 1978 mb 450 sel and the heater blower stopped working I checked the fuse they are fine, were is the blower motor?

Hi Joe,
The climate control system uses a pretty complex process to maintain temperature and humidity inside the vehicle. A air intake by hind the headliner bring air down to under the passenger side dash where a sensor reads temp and humidity. A signal sent to a controller under the dash which determines the amoung to hot water is allow to circulate from the 'momovalve' through the sytem. And also the blower speed.

Turn on the A/C to max and see if you get the blower. If you still have no blower there could be a  issue with the AC unit.
The air is routed through the AC system to dehumidify the air, particularly when the defrost is on. If you have low freon, that may cause the system to shut down to keep from wrecking the compressor.
The blower is in a box under the dash, and may even require dash removal to get to it.

Good Luck