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Mercedes: 240td sluggish uphill, diesel fuel additive, poor combustion

Hello- my 240 td (82) is sluggish going uphill. What could this be?

The engine is an airpump, it the intake is restricted then it cannot breath properly. The turbo is an exhaust driven air pump that forces more air into the intake.
A loss of anything in the turbo circuit can decrease the ability retain speed during acceleration or going up hill. If the fuel to air mixture is wrong, then you have poor combustion and energy release. If you do not have enough air to the cylinders then you have poor blending. If you have poor fuel spray at the injector then the air to fuel blending is not good and you have poor combustion.If the fuel supply is contaminated with water or sludge, the same effect.
You may have lost the turbo, or you may have a dirty fuel filter, or you may have sticking injectors, and or you may have dirty air cleaners filter.
Start with the least expensive first. Get some diesel fuel additive/injector cleaner and add it to the fuel tank.  Replace the fuel filter/water separator.
Drive the car and see if that helps.
The most expensive fix would be a problem with the turbocharger. Find an independent Mercedes mechanic and have them test drive the vehicle.
Sorry to say that women are many times victim in auto repair. Make sure you get a work order that specifies that they will diagnose and provide a parts list, prices and labor rate for the repair and you will sign the document prior to work beginning. And that any additional item will require prior approval in writing from you.
Good luck