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Mercedes: Repair Costs for CLK 320 1999-2001, instrument clusters, mercedes vehicles

I am in love with above mentioned automobile and seriously considering purchasing either a 1999 or 2000 model. When I
mentioned this to my friends, they told me I was crazy because
the repair costs would break me. If this is true can you give me any average estimate on yearly repairs? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I agree with your friends. Unless you are on unlimited fund, or want to do the work your self and shop salvage yards. All Mercedes are going to be more expensive to maintain that most other vehicles. I have been able to own my 1986 420SEL for about the same as a US auto. However, I do my own labor and purchase use parts off EBAY. Mercedes wanted 185.00 for a mono valve used to divert water in the heater sytems, aftermarket was 140.00 and I located one on Ebay for 10.00.Just remember the profit center in all auto dealerships are not in the front door, but out the maintenance and service center at the rear.
You only need to review some of the questions I have answered over the last year to see that Mercedes vehicles are very worry some. Alarm systems that engage without warning, instrument clusters that flash or go out all together, and the list goes on and on.
I have my 420 up for sale, because the resale is so low, a major repair would cost more that I could recover at this stage in the life of the vehicle.
I cannot begin to say the frustration I have experienced trying to trouble shoot my own vehicle, because I am unwilling to take it to the dealer for a diagnosis. Additionally, the engineering design makes all but the simplest fix a multi-day project. I had to take out the instrument cluster and drop the steering column to remove the ignition lock. Insane....

Getting to the simplest thing is very difficult, because Benz requires special equipment or code readers or their exclusive fluids or parts etc.

Sorry to disappoint, but these are the fact.
Good luck