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Mercedes: Instrument Gauges, electrical anomalies, type fuses

Took my 92 500SL out of storage recently and the instrument panel guages do not work (gas, speedo, tach, oil, temp). Thought it was certainly a fuse, but all the fuses appear to be fine.
Any ideas? I did have to charge the battery after sitting for the winter

If this vehicle uses ceramic bullet type fuses.( particularly if the strip and tip is aluminum). I would recommend replacing all of these with NEW copper strip and tip type. The clip holders need to be thoroughly polished before install.
Mercedes are notorious for corrosion of these points. I would also take the battery terminals off and clean these before reinstall as well. Likewise any ground straps between the body and frame.
It is just a matter of time that surface corrosion causes all sorts of frustrating electrical anomalies.
Good Luck Let me know what you fine out.