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Mercedes: mercedes 350 sdl srs light on, vehicle management systems, mercedes 350

hi robert,i just bought a 1991  350 sdl with 80000 miles,and the srs red light it s on,how i can fix that problem cheaper way??thanks a lot,flor

Place masking tape over the lite?.... just kidding.
First, investigate that all the belts are properly in their retracted positions. Turn off all accessories. Disconnect the battery terminals beginning with the (-) and then the (+). Wait 30 minutes then clean and reconnect the terminals (+) and then (-).

Start the vehicle and see if the srs lite goes out. If not you will need to have and independent MB shop pull the codes. The code reader should indicate where the trouble lies.

When you turn the ignition "on" all the vehicle management systems are checked out electronically........if the SRS indicator lamp is "off" after a few seconds the safety system is working OK, if the lamp stays "on" there is a malfunction with seatbelt tensioners or airbags. In this case you need to get the system checked in case your airbags trigger unexpectedly or maybe not at all in an accident.

Good Luck, let us know what you discover.