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Mercedes: car stalls, fuel delivery system, fuel pumps

QUESTION: 1988 Mercedes B 300; sometimes while driving the car stalls,after sitting for a while (sometimes 1/2 hr )it will start it seems if i keep the fuel tank full it runs ok until the fuel reaches a curtain level then it starts to stall-out i want to say the fuel filter or maybe even the catalytic converter -i only had the car 3 MOS, how do i check to be sure if these are the problems or look else where thank you.

ANSWER: Charles,
A bit more information please...I cannot locate a B series 300. Is this a 300D. Is this a Diesel vehicle?
What is the mileage on this vehicle.
Does it stall in stop and go traffic.
Or is it road speed.
If this is a gas vehicle does it seem to be an immediate loss of ignition or does it seem to run out of fuel.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: it is a 6cyl,gas; it stops like it need a gas filter it will cut off but it will start right back up if i try to step on the gas it will die out right away if i go to pass and hit the peddle it will die out and i have to re-start it if i try to start it to many times it won't start at all and i have to wait 5,10,even 1\2 hr before it starts to run again then it acts as if there is nothing wrong with it,

I would check the fuel delivery system. Start with a can of fuel treatment. You may have ingested water in the fuel.  Change the filter ,  Then test the fuel pumps. Check the spark plugs for soot. If it has been a while change the plugs. If non of these work, check the fuel pumps. Turn on the ignition and see if the pumps are vibrating. However, the best is to us a jumper and directly test each pump separately, as sometimes there is cross vibration between the pumps when only one is working.
My 420 has two pumps and the filter mounted external to the tank just in front of the rear axle.
Another suspect is the fuel pump control relay.
Good Luck