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Mercedes: 1986 560SL Mercedes, 420sel, volt meter

I am attempting to start the car and while the engine turns over, I get no fire to the distributor or fuel pump.where do I start?

My 420sel is at the mechanics today because of similar issues. The mechanic tested for voltage from the switch and it shows No voltage.
I purchased a replacement switch on ebay and he has been installing it over the past several days.
There is a data port on the wheel well in my car. He used a volt meter as suggested by the mercedes trouble shooting data. No voltage between two of the points indicates a bad switch.
I decided to try and replace the electrical terminal on the switch my self. I crawled under the dash and removed the coverings and ducts.
This car has a tubular brace that is in the way of getting to the electricals to unplug it from the back of the switch.
I decided to let him have a go at it. He had to a remove more of the coverings to get the brace out, then determined that because of the switch location on the steering column it had to come down.
He had to take the istrument panel loose and then lower the colum to get the lock out.
Once out, it is just a matter of removing three screws that hold the electrical on the back of the key tumbler unit.
There is a sequence of having the key in #1 position to be able to separate the two.
I am holding my breath on the cost of this little project.
If I could remember the two ports on that data terminal, I would pass them along.
I hope this has been of help.
Good Luck