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Mercedes: Again for ABS light, break pads, diagnostic instrument

Robert, my problem is that i don't know what is broken now. I don't know what part has to be bought. What means lighting the ABS light? What is turned off? Or what means that strange sound like sound of spiral? Hope that you will help me about this too. Thanks

Unfortunately, to determine the problem with the ABS, you will need to have someone plug in a computer diagnostic instrument to read the codes.
If the breaks squeal when you apply the breaks, you may need to replace the break pads. There is a mechanical piece that contacts the rotor to alert of metal to metal contact.
If the noise is coming from one wheel, you should have the breaks inspected to see if there is still pad media against the rotor.
It is possible that if the pads require replacing and you have this done, that the ABS may reset. I am not too sure about that thought.
Good Luck