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Mercedes: Mercedes 190D ABS light problem, mercedes 190d, rapid succession

I have Mercedes 190D model from 1989. Recently the ABS light turns on  after 4-5 mins starting the engine. What means the light and why the ABS system don't react after the first braking, and when the light is on the ABS don't react and when the ABS system is OK it has strange sound.
I hope that you will help me..

The ABS is 'Automatic Brake System'.  It would be a very good idea to have the system check by a qualified Mercedes mechanic. Generally, ABS systems are on top of the regular break function. The system senses wheel lockup when the breaks are applied and has a pulsation circuit to momentarily release and apply in very rapid succession the break pads on the wheel when it senses  that the wheel is about to slide.
If the unit fail, you should still have breaks, but have the potential of locking the wheel in an over application of break.
Do not ignore the light, take the vehicle and have the breaks checked.
You safety may depend on it.
Good luck